Someone thought you were lieing cuz you were talkin about online and offline hashes when they are the same. Giving credit is a big thing at ***** so its mostly the noobs that dont give credit.
I did NOT write this tut, Forgoten Dynasty from ***** did. Original Tut: http://www.*****.com/forums/ipod-mo ... ac-os.html Video Tut:[youtube:10m3z3ac][/youtube:10m3z3ac] (I mabe this video following forgoten's tut). Download Links: 5G 60 gig - 5G 30 gig - 5.5G 80 gig - 5.5G 30 gig - Copy This: "ipodpatcher -ab loader.bin" (DONT COPY THE QUOTES)
here you go my tombstone, no fusion core thing but you can just melee the warthog from rider seat. Download: Type:sppf Edit:video