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mr slave

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Everything posted by mr slave

  1. No need to be an asshole about it, i have johnson too, is that circulating around the internet too?
  2. Well there is no where in the post that i said i wasnt doing anything. i am putting them in halo 2 (injecting the .obj meshes) and the hornet is already in halo CE And for halo 2 i have already put the G18 in-game
  3. From what i saw in the the custom edition models there are some but not alot. And they dont have good uv maps.
  4. I wont give out these models for they are private for from what i know. http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/1313/objects.jpg http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9179/models.jpg http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/3076/mongoosepic.jpg http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/20/mongoosein3ds.jpg By the way i have the bitmaps for all the guns but the model needs to be somewhat resized and i dont feel like doing that right now..lol
  5. suprised about the no lag part i was expecting that
  6. ooo ok haha i was kinda annoyed that people thought i had no life and recreated them
  7. I dont see why you people think im lieing i mean the maps dont even have lightmaps, how would i remove those. For solid proof here is a render of a map without any bitmaps http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/QUARRY_BSP_RIPZ.jpg
  8. lol we didnt remake it, we ripped it from the game here is the Javelin in 3ds max http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/proofofjavelin.jpg
  9. Me and Epsilon did this. And i wont give this out cus im an ass. And the weapons with white backrounds were rendered in the 3ds Max render option http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/happy.png http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/M1887.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/G18.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/Ebr.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/ACR.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/M240.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/Magnum.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/RPG.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/Javelin.jpghttp://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af187/oMrSlaveo/Dis_Be_Win.png http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r339/MeleeLite/derail.png I can upload any model in MW2 so just pm me for more
  10. i know the guy that designs that stuff for Bungie. Not over XBL the real person. (i live in the same area as bungie studios; Kirkland, WA)
  11. How was i supposed to know that
  12. Well sorry to break it to you but your the one who has a lack of understanding and need a noob tutorial. All saves are made on XDK's via .map mods You can only spoof the console id and if you change the name that breaks the security so the save would them become curropt, Also you cannot change the gamertsg while in a film. The only way is a WORKING campaign save resigner (the one on this site doesnt work) and i highly doubt that you have that so dont be a smartass and act like we are all noobs and have a "lack of understanding". Plus you were trying to take credit for someone elses work.
  13. hahaha that looks really bad with pikmin theme
  14. Once you rename the profile the save becomes curropt GREAT JOB!
  15. These can give wierd changes to discriptions and names (like showing colors and date/time) <timestamp-info/> <game-info/> <map-info/> <target-player-name/> <player-rank/> <player-grade/> <color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/> <ranked-value/>|n<social-value/>|n<custom-value/> <player-name/> Players: <player-count/> (<player-max/> Max) <party-leader-info/> <players-in-party-info/> <mode-info/> <status-info/> <film-info/> <playlist-info/> <time-remaining-info/> <score-to-win-info/> <leading-score-info/> <game-info/> <game-variant-info/> <color argb=#(color hex)> </color> <map-variant-info/> <teams-info/> <item _name/> <controller0_gamertag/> <controller1_gamertag/> <controller2_gamertag/> <controller3_gamertag/> <camera_setting_description/> <display_setting_description/> <voice_setting_description/> <button-layout-description /> <joystick-layout-description/> <lobby-privacy/> <gametype/> <gametype-description/> <objectives/> <map_variant_name/> <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/> <year/> <time_hms/> <campaign_map_name/> <difficulty/> <game_variant_name/> <loc_month/> <loc_day/> <loc_year/> <primary-objectives/> The attached file is a txt doc of the commands h3commands.txt
  16. thanks ive been having trouble with this achievement
  17. another one? cool
  18. Cool, thanks
  19. O shit, downsize on the tie much?
  20. I can help you mod stuff if you want :/
  21. I can help you mod stuff if you want :/
  22. I can help you mod stuff if you want :/
  23. I can help you mod stuff if you want :/
  24. I can help you mod stuff if you want :/
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