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Everything posted by Sefalapod

  1. thnks. But hes only made three. Remember that he realised the source code so any1 can make there own and make it look lik he made it. So plz do some research on whats going on. Thnks anyways
  2. Wow *cesar* i struggle sometimes too. Im only human
  3. Haha and i meant to reply to what easyb said. Not u ceaser
  4. Haha im not flaming. Im laughing about all this as i post. Second i look at the ip on my ipod and its dif. Than all the others. I still dont care if im banned. And theeasyb. Ive been in ur partys before. Ur quite the doushe bag. So f*ck u. And now im gonna go to calimodz where the staff is legit. This staff used to be.
  5. Lol well korupt not exactly sure y alec is banned but he should be unbanned. He had nothing to do with all this.
  6. It doesnt matter though. But yea im vip on calimodz so they are better to me. My opinion
  7. Wow used to hav epic ppl as the site team. Dont know whats going on but alec shouldnt have been banned. He didnt even make the post frs 3.0 on here. Thats so gay. Im prob gonna get banned but i dont care anymore. If the staffs gonna be gay then w/e. Ill make new account. Youll be banning my ipods ip and ill make new 1 on my comp. So idc anymore. Besides im with calimodz now.
  8. Thank u now can we get over this argument and go back to normal. Those of u who trust it thanks and those of u who dont. We dont care if u dont but alec should be unbanned since he didnt do shit. I hope u guys agree and thanks for your time Calimodz vip + team
  9. Do u think i give a shit. Its the ******* internet not school
  10. Yea i agree but thnks for the support man. We need it. Besides we made it for all of ur enjoyment. Not to steal accounts. Calimodz is not a site to teach how to hack accounts. We lik our accounts and realize we wouldnt want them taken either. We hate the ****** bags who do.
  11. Yes, the one posted on here from that random kid IS A KEYLOGGER. I never posted my v3.0 on here, only my v2.0
  12. If u dont trust it y dont u just make something called a SILVER account. I hav noticed ppl being dumbasses over this topic. But y dont u make siver and if it accually gets stolen u can be lik u wish u could steal my gold accouny. Think ppl. Besides he realised the source code just open it up and look thruogh it. So every1 should chill over the topic and if u dont wanna risk it then dont download it. That simple. Im done. Lov ibotmodz!!!
  13. Okay, This is Cali Alec, on my friend's account Sefalapod. Now, I was randomly on AIM, and this kid sends me a message saying, "**** YOU, WHY DID YOU JACK MY ACCOUNT? HAHAHA GOOD LUCK, I REPORTED YOU AND YOUR GETTING CONSOLE BANNED" And I'm like what the ****? I never jacked any accounts? So he tells me to go to IBotModz, and I see I have been banned for "posting a virus" SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE ****? Now I see this thread saying "CLEAN FRIEND REQUEST SPAMMER" This kid, I don't even know, Blaze gD, posts this RANDOM ****en lie, saying he is giving a "clean" friend request spammer. First off, it was ALWAYS clean, at least from me. Now, judging by his name "gD" He is from Game Deviants, which is a rival of my website, CaliModz. So, he SABOTAGED ME, and posted this lie! He said I told him it's a clean version, and I have NEVER SPOKE TO HIM. Please, hear me out, I don't know why I was banned for being blamed by a hater. Then he says download "FriendRequestSpammerClean.exe" that is OBVIOUSLY fake. My v2.0 and 3.0 were always clean, and were named Friend Request Spammer v2.0 and v3.0. So, I hope you sort all this out... -Cali Alec
  14. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  15. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  16. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  17. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  18. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  19. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  20. Rofling at all teh R4nd0mZ
  21. hey im having the same prob. no coordinates thing. it make me sadface. if theres a better way pls tell me
  22. i was just wondering if this is for 360. also i was wondering where do i put it in my hdd. some1 help. im just a sad noob!!
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