Well as my user name say's I'm Xx Legacy xX's buddy from school. Me and him are attempting to make a site but need money on paypal to start up the site ____________________________________________________ Well I've already made $1.07 from : Get Paid To (Referer me if your nice.) (Gives me 25 cents if you verify your account) Get Paid To (Not for nice people.) It also has instant no minimum paypal cashout. No fees on your paypal cashout. You can earn other things like: 13 Months - 1 Year xBox 360 Live Membership [38.99 pts] xBox Live 1600 Live Points [20.00 pts] Gift Cards and other things Random Stuff like key chains and rubix cubes lol ____________________________________________________ I live in Canada Live like 4 streets from Legacy. Go Canada CANADA FTW And that's me. Btw my name is Nathan