Send me a invite on H3 UPDATED my Service record, It Su*ks now. Today when I woke up I was reallly sleepy cause I slept for 3 hours and I had a head ache, And I didn't have my partner. But heres my Updated record for new account. EDIT: Can't really see it because my crappy editor. lol
That aint you xD I play with this kids booster a while ago when I was boostin a kid to 50 EDIT: Unless he was lying. Never know EDIT: Nvm I think he was lyin cause now that I think about it he sucked.
Ok here you go! This is my Team Dubs account that gotten to 50 YES 50 in 19 games. It says im only 48 but I'm really a 50. I played more games for the hell of it but ended up losing the 50 so i played another got it back then lost it So i quit play on it EDITT:
Well everyone here is posting there main accounts. This is just a new account that I play on. Btw Im playing with a BK so OFCORSE I'm not doing 100% If ya'll want I'll post my 3star gen, 50 mlg Cmdr, 48 Brig G3, 35 ltn, 49 bstr, AND my 50 no loss sarg G2 up (Got to 50 in 19 games) (Yes I am bragging)