Hoped this help people that are new to modders. Also ill be coming out with more tutorials and soon a hex tutorial if this one was to simple. Halo 3 modding stuff.rar
this also works with 3ds max 2010 but i think you need the bluelight dev plugin (model injector) which you get from It worked for me and thanks for this tut nice job
use another account and look up the emblem code copy it and then replace the modded emblem code on your broken account then it should work. you also could go to a friends house and resign your profile there and then resign it back to your xbox. Both of these work for me try one and if one doesn't work try the other.
i really don't think this is a mod because there's 3 of them in halo 2 and the ar was found in campaign with pan cam like Dakote said. Also when when i get a new halo 3 (because someone stole it) i search around with pan cam in the other campaign maps with scarubs in them like how all 3 scarub guns in halo 2 were in campaign maps with scarub guns.