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Everything posted by mattk508

  1. i'm confused, is that all infared coming from the kinect?
  2. mattk508

    It was fun.

    Those were the good old days, I used to be on ibotmodz all the time. It's where I learned how to modd, and I used to love it!, still would if I could. I still have my modded original Xbox. Everyone here was always so nice and friendly, now it seems like Xbox itself is full of "pros" if I could go back, I would. This was the best site ever! <3 you ibotpeaches! Your the dude.
  3. Dude this thing is all over the MW2 Matchmaking
  4. Just Think About It
  5. Just Think About It
  6. Just Think About It
  7. Just Think About It
  8. Just Think About It
  9. here's an idea just get them all fair and square and be a real gamer. Matt K 508
  10. yeah the links work great thanks.
  11. to bad someone modding halo 3 cant turn a chopper into this and have a chopper go head to head with the bulldog.
  12. yeah these are pretty funny!!
  13. sorry to bump the topic but the link doesnt work, and does anyone have the ppf's or serenities of these maps because sppf doesnt work on my computer
  14. oh ok
  15. which is really fun snowbound or valhalla
  16. its on snowboand and check out my cannon video below and bump it back up
  17. Its probably because of the good quality I had before I uploaded it. Because I have a good ati all in wonder capture card.
  18. Heres the vid: [youtube:1xldmiep]C7Kk0VkBjtQ[/youtube:1xldmiep] And heres the link: Tell me what you guys think.
  19. mattk508


    music is not life but yes it is an expretion of life. you know what i mean?
  20. thanks peaches ure opinion means alot and ps u put mods before ibot. Just sayin
  21. thanks man and its so true
  22. Heres My Old One: [youtube:3vfvq20v]HBElOHfV0sk&feature[/youtube:3vfvq20v] And My New One: [youtube:3vfvq20v]ixq0xvDFaXU[/youtube:3vfvq20v] ME AND SOME FRIENDS! Tell me What you guys think!!!
  23. mattk508


    I need a link to the soccer burial mounds map but it has to be a ppf or serenity not sppf.
  24. yeah and its already been posted in halo 3 theater as a joke one guy made. Jeezus!! http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=833
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