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About simko

simko's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. would objects\cinematics\human\frigate\frigate\frigate_shrine be the real one I'm kind new to this whole modding thing i only started yesterday
  2. in theory how would i move it
  3. is it possible to remove the death barrier in maps using forge/sandbox/ hex editor is so can some one please tell me how
  4. well technically the frigate is there is just out of the map but o well, and it if i play with a friend and then leave and make him party leader come back and then start a game i will be able to see it and he wont instead of the other way around
  5. When i place a frigate in my map (sandtrap) just under the max high limit it only shows up for one xbox if i play with someone online also when i start a new round the frigate goes away for both of us
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