Lol, another ass! Were did u get that I was crying? I was announcing that FE made a great catch.... Thats all. I just put in the other part cuz Its raining so we cant play paintball... YOu know there's better things to life hten some dumb websites right?
Sparggy, you have no idea why my frist one was bant, Neither do I. According to Melo I got bant for," Falming staff and this site"???? But that was 2 weeks atfer I was bant, So please dont be an ass.
I just got back from doing work outside to find my second account, 7331loser permabant! I came on this one, hehehe, and was in the chatbox asking why 7331 was bant and Fatal caught me. Whats funny was, I got bant for Ban evasion. I was fine for a 2 months but then I was trying to be a good person and give peaches a halo 2 mod he wanted and he bans me? wtf!?? I mean i was just trying to use my resources to help and he bans me.... I mean I wasnt being an a-hole. SO I mean if I wanted to evade a ban I would be on all the time, not just troll 1 hour here 10 mins there. But whatever, IF anyone needs me Drop me and IM. Aim- mrjeehs Bye bye! Jeehs p.s.- Im laughing as I wrtie this so dont think I left on a bad note. p.s.s- Nice catch FE even Peaches didnt notice this one!
OH your nice, I guess that great if ur obessed with this kinda stuff..(U R)... But I guess u'll finally get to make that game u and BRYFAG have been trying to make foreever. Keep it quiet
You know that peice of bread you eat in the morning? It's more like you than you think. We share 50% of the genes we have with the food we eat! So your R what you eat! Litterally!
So a sperm whale's brain is about 4 times larger than ours, But we are more intelligent. Size means nothing in evolution- We Humans are dominant but we are not the largest, Fastest or most intelligent. While we use what intelligence we have usefully, we are NOT, repeat NOT! the most intelligent. As someone earlier said.
Maybe It offends me that you dont beleive in Science. I mean "god" wasn't the one that made your computer, Really in a topic like this all there is is flame. I don't agree with what u say, You dont agree with what I say so.... And Dont FLame Darwin, His work was very important to us.
Your an Atheist? Lucky, I'm calling my self an atheist but My Mom and Pa don't know. ANd my Mom is a very religious person.... She starts talking I go in another room or say, "Dont wanna talk about it".