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Everything posted by RROD

  1. You know that doesnt do anything for anyone right?
  2. Well, one of my and Josh's 360's kept getting the "Red Rings of Death". I would have loved to posted a "fitting" picture but I will get in trouble for it
  3. If you Listen in your science class you will learn that we HAVE NOT evolved quickly. Sure if you look at the "EARTH YEAR" Humans do not appear until Dec.30 at about 5 mins from midnight. But that 5 mins is equal to about 20,000-30,000 years. SO saying we evolved quickly would be false. To correct your statement," Then why have other specices not evloved to be intelligent?" We are not Intelligent either, we've had a lucky break, THE THUMB! Sure modern primates have thumbs they probbaly aquired them through imbredding or evolution. We have had this break longer though.
  4. Justrec, was typing in all caps nessicary? But Josh wishes he would have added another, ".Melo"
  5. Watch out Quinn, "Asshalo" is a REDWORD!
  6. RROD


    Quinnzo, DOnt worry. Josh said once Jeehs's Suspention ends he'll drop in every once in awhile, He does have an Aim.... And ur not?
  7. RROD


    I dont know why you consistently inferee that I'm Jeehs but, Whatever. Another name- Puppy
  8. Shouldn't that be in the media section???
  9. Not trying to nag, but shouldn't that be in the media section? Nice vid though!
  10. RROD


    Wat to name her puppies?
  11. RROD


    Nah, Josh tryed eariler, 30 day suspension. FOR no reason, But aleast Peaches unbanned him
  12. RROD


    I'm sorry
  13. RROD

    Boosie Phail

    No it's not called "Limewire"
  14. RROD

    Boosie Phail

    I use a program to get songs that doesn't invole tourents. It's really easy, Find the song, Click download BAM! you got.
  15. That happened to me one time, I had to re-do the CC over my 360. Computer wouldn't work for me.
  16. Guess there glass on mars to eh.
  17. RROD

    Paintball Tank

    Josh, You have another account?
  18. I see why my brother, "Jeehs" liked you.
  19. Hi um, Kinda new.... I didnt know that many people still modded halo 2... But I all good things must last
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