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Everything posted by ichagowill

  1. i heard from another website that recon armor is back with flaming for bungie members for the time being since this is only a beta
  2. ichagowill


    i would blame the guy with 30 deaths when i got the achivement i died 9 times don't play with rambos
  3. i might be able to help to
  4. cool thx i died ten time at the end of set 3 because are demolition wasted all the ammo of the rockets on grunts other than chieftns*
  5. ok my gt is: xZACHx x707x im 14 so i dont kno if youll be annoyed by my voice oh yea it has to be saturday because we have homecomming on friday and i have to go because i play freshman football
  6. ichagowill


    ok i know the vidmaster endure is easy but every time i go for it we have one person who thinks there rambo and waste all our lives. so im asking for help next friday or saturday 10/9/09 - 10/10/09
  7. when i did the manual avatar color changer the hash block curropted my profile i had to delete it and rerecover it because i didnt make a backup. for colored clan tags use code tool i know the code to unlock special clans hit me up on Mc T BIGGUMS
  8. first off you need a flashed xbox but i think its the dvd player thing no play non retail copies of the game
  9. i finally got it but by using cod tool v1.5 its not @@@@n and if you do unlock the box before you mod it you have to change your clan to the won you want to mod it to example before mode make clan RAIN=RAINBOW GT its cool
  10. yes it is i found it on youtube i almost got tricked to runing a virus program but i ran it through virus total and it had a trojan
  11. oh never mind i found a different program that mods it so every one sees it
  12. ichagowill


    when it says mod a achivement offline does that mean it will only appear offline or what about when it says mod an achivements online what does that means please help
  13. well every time i try and do a film recon mod by myself it works but when i try to make two people have recon armor it dosent work why does this happen and i checked if people were wearing mark VI/IV does anybody have a tutorial to do the mod in hex edit
  14. sorry but when im in the lobby getting ready to watch it says this file is corrupt
  15. i no i use modio rehasher and resigner my friend gave me it cuz his comp broke and he needs a place to mod
  16. after modding it it says curropt before i want to watch it
  17. no i use secerity and katana i dont change the armor color or the author description of name but i use forge edit film tool thing
  18. ichagowill

    film mod

    well every time i do a film mod into bungie status the file comes up corrupt
  19. ichagowill


    ok i mod down stairs on my slow computer and want to change to my upstairs. i know were to get winRAR but windows frame work please give me links i can get any ohter programs like map downloader or halo tool box
  20. have you already sold it and how much will you sell it for. and where will you get your new one
  21. ichagowill

    dev kit

    ok im not so clear on the idea but i kno they are expensive. like are they special chips that you could put in your xbox or are they straight up brand new xboxes and where can i get one
  22. ok thanks i will try that out today because when i inserted the bak file every thing was the same
  23. ichagowill

    how come

    how come every time i make a map in haex editor it gets saved as mapo00000000000000000.bak or something because if anybody has a forge that is updated for the mythic and other buyable map pack that would be grateful. oh yea in valhalla where can i find the blue glowing lights not the tower pulser
  24. thanks so that would make a fog like thing
  25. no good guess i want that stuff at the buttom of the water fall when the water hits but it was valhalla
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