Iv'e been trying to figure this out for hours. What do you mean by right usermap. I overwrited the orignal (Unmodded) map of this usermap. And ive been trying to find out how to move the 'Street Cone" Thats for the windows. Cant Find that out either. This is really stuffed up. Im new to Forge and Sandbox. But this is stupid. Would you know what to do Rouge?
Arghhh. Why cant someone make a editor like Johnson and be able to the Cords. O well. Anyway. Do you mean th .map File? If you used Forge or Sandbox. Could you find the objects that you placed on teh map that were modded? Cause i cant find a dam thing Lol, Thanks man
Vergence" is a fair played, evenly placed modded map. It contains Destroyable Bridges, Trees and Breakable Windows. Features Destructible Bridges Trees Shrubs Breakable Windows Equiptment Fair share of Weapons Pics Beach Base http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/VergenceBase1.jpg Factory Base http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/VergenceBase2.jpg Beach Windows http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/VergenceDestuctibleWindows.jpg Factory Windows http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/VergenceBase2Windows.jpg The Two Bridges http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/VergenceTwoBridges-1.jpg Special Thanks Special thanks goes out to Rouge Modder, For helping me understand what and how to fix the Bridge Problem. Thanks Rouge:D Download Vergence.rar Remember to Re-Sign it with your own ID! If anyone doesnt have a XSATA or Transfer Cable, I'd Be happy to go in Custom Games with you:D
Thanks for all of the replies, I cant upload on a B.net Profile, I got hacked and i link my gamertag to a different account by accident. If you think i should. Ill upload a video. And again, thanks for all the replies:D
This is probably my first decent Playable Mod. It has some cool features such as Trees for Cover, and fair weapon placement. Features Trees (Diff Sizes) Snipers ( 1 at each side) Snmg's Needler's Rocket launcher Vehicles Fair Weapon Placement Invisable Walls Bugs You can sometimes go through the Invisable Walls Pics OverView http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/TreeHallla1.jpg Pelican Base http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/TreeHallaBase1.jpg Other Base http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/TreeHaloBase2.jpg Vehicles http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg268/flamez3/TreeHallaVehi.jpg Download TreeHalla.rar Remember to Re-Sign it with your own ID. If anyone doesnt have a XASTA or a Transfer Cable, I'd be willing to play a custom game with you or something:D