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Everything posted by allmixedup

  1. Fourth result. Above it is youtube. This is the first fourm I saw.
  2. i'm not retarded!
  3. you've got it! pm me shipping details
  4. Holy crap! That's a really good trade. Umm...let me think about it and get back to you. Do the controllers work in COD5?
  5. Hello, Earlier today, while going on a stroll through Campbell River, in B.C. I decided to go into the downtown pawn shop. To my surprise there were a few 360's on the shelf, for sale. My 360 RRoD'd a few months ago, and I haven't been able to afford a new one, so I've been looking for one at the pawn shop for a while now. I bought this one out of the 4 they had on the shelf due to it being out of warranty. It had a hole cut in the side and glass added in it's place. I managed to get it for a grand total of $100! I was excited, so I bought it on the spot. Well, when I got home, hooked it up, and popped my Halo 3 disc in, I noticed that it gave me the "insert this disc into an xbox 360 console" message. SO, I removed the game, and it went to this strange blue screen, with WEARINGJOK3R on it, along with my local IP address. Wondering WTF this was, I googled "WearingJok3r" and found this site. For some reason, this "Xbox 360 Development Kit" (that's what the blue screen says) wont let me play all of my games, and when i try to recover my gamertag, it wont work. Can you help me with this problem? Will I be able to get on Xbox Live, and can I play my games? Halo 3 shows up, but when I try to go to matchmaking, there isn't anyone online!!! Thanks, AllMixedUp
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