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About EsjayIzBack

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  1. Lol, 4chan has been around longer than iBM. it exitsed before the earliest year on the site. Also, setting up an imageboard is easy, i've made one as a test. I'm thinking of setting one up for my new site.
  2. Swastika's are a sign of good luck in India. Also, it's called ascii pics.
  3. Very much so. First thing I learned in modding was extracting the images from containers
  4. Yeah, the owner of the DSOrganize irc is a dick. I'm akicked for something stupid.
  5. How would an irc chat take people from the site?
  6. I could host the irc on my linux server. I already host an irc server linked to a friends server. My Ubuntu server is hardly down, just create an A dns redirect for irc.ibotmodz.net to my server ip, and people who frequently use irc can come to our server and join different discussions. Justrec, you may or may not know this, but ALL instant messengers originated from irc. irc was the predecessor to IM, and is still more popular.
  7. lol, i remember xlax007's sentinal surfing vid in halo 2. can you drive the vehicles...without dying?
  8. EsjayIzBack

    Custom Themes!

    Lol, I tried making a theme, turned out decent, except for the sizes. I hate manually resizing images, and screwing up the quality.
  9. I was just using Form1 as an example.
  10. You could use Form1 Form1 = new Form1(); Form1.Show(); Replacing Form1 with the name of the form you want to pop up. This is pretty much the same as yours, but you didn't really clarify yours. Also, make sure that you have correct capitalization.
  11. have you tried building? press F6 and it will tell you the error
  12. there are...
  13. I have, but flashme is the best to use anyway, since there is 0% chance of ******* up.
  14. Not everyone has Construct like us... Should be the same though for johnson.
  15. EsjayIzBack

    Dev Mod

    Did you do it for free? Not me...of course, even biped swaps were not amazing when i first started playing halo 2
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