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Everything posted by halfbakedyo

  1. halfbakedyo

    DDoS lul

    vonerable. lol
  2. http://www.rpspecialt.com/calripken2131cereal.jpg
  3. looks like.... mw1. the animation for picking up the gun is even exactly the same. nicely done iw -.-
  4. http://4.media.collegehumor.com/collegehumor/ch6/6/4/collegehumor.455b291661f790f3bbbb34a4e5d13f58.jpg http://6.media.collegehumor.com/collegehumor/ch6/5/f/collegehumor.31e8cef50d1a668a2c76046f1e3592f6.jpg http://7.media.collegehumor.com/collegehumor/ch6/4/1/collegehumor.c6b68db4c5b642a2272509319c77085d.jpg http://8.media.collegehumor.com/collegehumor/ch6/a/3/collegehumor.147406ca64a2c0d64cdf75f32b9c7699.jpg
  5. lulz
  6. fail. copied off a post on s7
  7. haha in the letter he used "aloud to do this" when it clearly should read "allowed to do this"
  8. i blame the morons at se7en sins because they post a tutorial with pictures,links, and all when some noob wants to know how to mod. i was trying to do something useful like making a zombie gamemode and these ****** bags want to shoot rpg out their pistols and shit which makes people complain. when i learned how to mod i just needed to know what to do and i found out the rest with research not being helpless and having people spoon feed me the information. **** s7 they're too noob friendly.
  9. looks cool i'd download it. multiplayer on a homebrew game and vehicles is cool. make it an mmo and i will shit
  10. this morning i popped a xanax and smoked a couple bowl packs. played GTA IV with modded disc no problem. i quit to play counter strike source on my new server im hosting. smoked a couple more bowl packs and got back on the xbox and played uno (lol). i wanted to play gta high and drive around with stoner buddies in a private match with my regular disc up i had to update gta IV when i start my regular disc i'm like oh **** i better see if mods are patched that might kill my high so driving around would be boring. i pop the modded disc in and the loading screen where all the pictures are loops INFINITELY so i try my regular disc and IT LOADS so i'm like oh shit mods are patched i guess i'll get a car to drive around in with my buds and smoke some more then play on my server in css. oh yea i deleted the update and the modded disc worked !! maybe i can still continue the zombie mod. it only worked in single player anyways. that is unless the other person had the same modded disc too.. GTA IV MODS PATCHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GTA IV MODS PATCHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GTA IV MODS PATCHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GTA IV MODS PATCHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GTA IV MODS PATCHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. they run away when you shoot (i guess braveness can be edited to fix this) and they only attack me. i guess in order to have a working online zombie match, every player would need the mod.
  12. I'm working on a mod for gta that puts zombies in liberty city.it's pretty simple so far what i got is i edited the peds.ide so that every pedestrian acts like a cop so they attack you when you get a star. the thing is, even though they shouldn't have a gun to begin with, since they're a cop they magically get a pistol no matter what so the next thing i did was edit the weapons.xml so the cop weapons(9mm,stubby,mp5,m4) all are replaced with knives. i'm burning the iso right now hopefully it works. let me know if any of you have any idea.
  13. halfbakedyo

    iXtreme 1.6

    i flashed 1.6 about 2 weeks ago and have been playing online every day since. i've even created a modded gta 4 disc with flying cars and every gun shoots rockets. still haven't gotten banned.
  14. http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/xbox-game-...-xbox-live.html i know it's from 2006... and if it does, will this remove a ban for a flashed dvd
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