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About NeoBatWare

NeoBatWare's Achievements

Corporal Grade 1

Corporal Grade 1 (6/44)



  1. I'm digging the Rep system. Looks nice.
  2. NeoBatWare


    Those are pretty much amazing.
  3. NeoBatWare


    No that's the Wii shop channel. WiiWare is just like live arcade because small game developers create games and release it there. The Wii Shop Channel is where you get things like the Virtual Console games which are all the old games as well as downloading things like the Internet channel (Which if you had had a wii within the first few months the internet channel was released would had been able to get for free).
  4. Those truly are amazing games! I love both of them and the movies, but i'm not obsessed or a geek. The second one is a little better imo, but that's only because I played the second one first and beat it and borrowed the first one, but never finished it .
  5. NeoBatWare


    Since my wifi is retarded and cant seem to work for my 360 and Wii at the same time, I can't download any updates or download WiiWare even though I can play brawl online still ... Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has downloaded WiiWare and any games for it? And for those of you who dont know what it is, WiiWare is pretty much the live arcade for the Wii.
  6. NeoBatWare

    Sig #1

    Really the main thing I'd say is what the others are saying. The colors don't really fit together. It's kind of like in a room you don't want a bright yellow couch if there's nothing else in the room that's yellow because it doesn't match. That's the best analogy I've got.
  7. NeoBatWare


    Well there are a lot of new content added to the main site of fracture fracturegame.com. Has anyone checked it out and if not, you should!
  8. Why does everyone hate Windows Movie Maker? I use it a lot and I've found it to be very simple and easy to use while producing some great results. Sure it's not extremely fancy and it's not as amazing as some of the others, but I still think it's pretty good.
  9. My first (my old name on wiipals.net was BaTmAn and that's my wii code) http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20364-363.jpg My best one. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20364-364.png But one of my favorite ones is... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/20364-365.png
  10. I love it! I really think that it's an amazing piece of gfx. I just tried to make one similar to that, but failed miserably so I deleted it. I just couldn't get the images around my render to look good. What did you use for all the stuff surrounding her, c4d? You should make a tut on it.
  11. NeoBatWare


    It's cool! I like the simplicity of it and the lines coming down from the top left. The only thing I would say is make the ribbon stand out more, and the background is a little too boring. It's gray upon gray. If you added more white or silver or add a little glare effect or something, it would be a lot better. Oh and I think maybe it would be cool if you added a hint of color like maybe try it with the ribbon red instead of gray, but that's just my idea, you do what you want! It's good.
  12. Yeah, it really is only like 3 people who ever even look at it, but still. It would make the overall site look better.
  13. Thats such a sweet video!
  14. I don't think a mod is going to lock it or anything since no one really goes into this section. But a broken Wii is never fun. My internet connection is messed up so it says im not connected to my wifi, but yet I can still play brawl online and check the weather. I just can't receive any updates which means I cant download the wii ware channel. Have you gotten the WiiWare channel yet?
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