ok i got really bored the other night and just grabbed some renders and went to work. nothing big just little pieces of art i guess. no use for them really they just look cool (to me anyways) dont expect something too great but here you go http://i42.tinypic.com/2d4ens.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/9uuqlj.jpg http://i42.tinypic.com/2n6gp77.jpg http://i41.tinypic.com/28klhtk.jpg
lol ok, i guess i should look into it. i saw t earlier taoday while looking through the software. this is the first time i've been on Ibot in ages. i used to be milkman_king, i made another account though. it wouldnt let me log in with that one for some reason.
for all of you who are tired of looking for good download links for UMP v5 and wouldnt mind having an older version. this compiled prgram was made by xXKEASLAXx and i take no credit for any part of creating it. download here http://files.filefront.com/UMP+v4+Setupexe...;/fileinfo.html
the link needs to be fixed once again. every site i go to that claims they have a download link for UMP v5, the link is broken, no matter what. it would be great if someone could help out, please and thanks