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Everything posted by 7331loser

  1. Brain****ed.bmp= Major Brain ******
  2. I knew some pathetic person would google it. Sparggy WTF? emo?
  3. #1-Your stuck in a room with no windows, or doors. The only things in the room with you are a table and a mirrior, How do you escape? #2- Imagine your in a boat in a sinking boat surrounded by sharks in the middle of the Ocean. How do you survive? #3- Your in your Math class. There's this really anyoning kid in front of you. YOu decide to throw a penncil at him. WHen u hits him in the eye it bounces off, WHY?
  4. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: TO bad your not still an admin though.anyways- GREAT TO NHAVE U BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Jeehs/avatar-body.png
  6. Himand Smokie got in a ban fight, They used their powers to ban and un ban themselves. IT WAS EPIC U MISSED IT!
  7. 7331loser

    Uber Win

    Mirocfail sent me two.... I ordereed 1 and got two...hehehe EBAY!jk
  8. Im worried about trauma from the falll.....
  9. I made a simialr post, If I go to West Palm BEach I could get shot just because Im white.... That's why Im moving, Every other day there's a murder,shooting or gangbang/:
  10. Little kids are taking over! Dude I was playing paintball the other day. I was sitting in a bunker with a person next to me. I just finished a strafing shot when I looked at the person next to me. HES A FRICKEN 6-Year-old! I mean we play 300 fps, That **** stings! I mean all the 20 and 30 year olds wear fricken, Metal plates, baggy clothes, and **** so the balls wont hurt. Us,13 yearolds, Play in T-shirts and jeans. The 6-year-old wore a tiny ass jacket! Cannot Be Displayed- Heres why they shouldnt play! On XBL it's funny becasue I always get a game were there's a 6-year-old cusring thinking hes so big and bad, He dies once and throws a temper-tamtrum! It gets annonying.... Then at our school, The 6th graders a sittin' there tallking about sex, shooting people and things like that! I mean a 6th grader! The little buggers this year are tall if their 4 feet, yet they talk like their fricken gangbanngers and ****. They talk like that in front of teachers! ITS INSANE! What has the world come to?
  11. Same here Not a bus, a semi. But over all Amen
  12. Well, I guess you can't call me a true Atheist though. Because I do understand the Bibile, but I think like Greek mythology it was made to fill in gaps as to explain nature. For Example to in Greek mythology Apollo carries light across the sky. To us we figured out its a star. I beleive that "Hell" is a reference to the interior of the Earth. And Heaven the next Dimension. But thats just wat I beleive so.
  13. Jeehs is my Family's Iniatials. My mom made it up For my GT. Stuck with me ever since... Joshua Emilee Eddy Holly S- Dont know just sounded better with the S
  14. OK, not trying to be an "asshalo" but... If this thread is doomed to flame, DOnt sit here and argue over wats right's and wat's wrong. If u say Ur Christian, Then u R we know whats that means u beleive in. SO Please dont duke it out here and destroy a Great Thread.
  15. Gay Marriage- For Iraq war- for- Finish wat you start Abortion- WTF!?!?!?
  16. Im sorry but u caught me trolling, Wat does that mean? Brandon way to kill a good tread.... jk.... Wait. Didnt all you "Haloists" die in the war fro the HOLY RELIC(aka-HALO 3!)???
  17. I R Atheist
  18. A RED WORD! Is wat PC elem calls Curse words
  19. When I first came here, you greeted me by saying, " F-you!". But to me I guess that's a warm welcome to me....
  20. *Jeehs smacks Quinnzo in face* Quinn-" WTF?" *Quinnzo takes 2 damage!* Jeehs-" Are you an idiot ( I am!), OBAMA IS A FAILURE! With a capital... all letters..." Quinn-" Obama is doing for for his position." *Jeehs is one-hit-killed by Quinn's opinion of OBAMA!*
  21. Here Melo BAn this one to Ass hole
  22. Think that's Backwards... -95% of teens would cry if they saw Miley Cyrus on top of a SkyScraper, Copy and Paste if you would be the 5% to say. "JUMP BITCH! JUMP!"
  23. Wat if you don't know him?
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