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Everything posted by Twinreaper

  1. Major Necro-Bump. What up Peachez!
  2. Well, I wasn't here at this site for very long, and I wish I had spent more time here. I knew you fairly well Peachez and we had some great discussions. Sadly, I kinda dropped off the H2 modding thing once my Xbox fried on me, that and family had become a bigger priority. I had a great time during my run with everyone here and the community. As wierd as it sounds, you all sorta became like family to me in some way or another. Some of you were great inspirations, kinda like a brother or sister. Others were stern and harsh kinda like a second set of parents. In any case, we achieved and helped carry a legacy of modding that people will go on to remember for generations, that much i am sure. So thanks again to everyone in the community that helped make Ibotmodz and the Halo community in general an awesome place to be and create! Cheers guys! PS: I'll catch you eventually over at 343i Peachez
  3. Yes it sends you to my Windows Skydrive page, and each link is a different rar part. Jeez people....next time do your own damn conversion of Alphagasgiant then!!
  4. Fixed!
  5. Well it's been a long time coming, but I am partially ready for a full release. To ease the tension of those eagerly awaiting my map pack, I give you the coveted Alphagasgiant bsp conversion, entitled.."Remnant", along with a not planed bonus of Hq_1b. The reason for the change is simple...my xbox is fried and there is an aparent lack of people wiling to test my stuff. Hence...delayed and partial releases. But moving along... I would like to thank those who patiently tested and grabbed screnshots for me during the whole process. You know who you are! Yes vending machines are included in the Hq_1b map. 12 in all scattered around for you to find. But alas, the vending machines included are from the second wave. The original designs for members are still exclusive to the hq_4 map, which will be released later down the road. Also before people start wondering...the patches are for Headlong. I will be going on a short vacation on saturday for a week, so if there are any issues reguarding the maps....pm me then. I will resume work on the next 3 maps for the release when I get back....which are....hq_2, hq_4, hq_3 and bonus of highcharity3. Hope you guys enjoy the maps, even if SLC doesn't work....hopefully it does. Peace out bitches! PS...included is a really old first skin for ascension I did years ago! http://cid-3e553768043b2519.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Twinreaper%7C4s%20Map%20Pack.part1.rar http://cid-3e553768043b2519.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Twinreaper%7C4s%20Map%20Pack.part1.rar http://cid-3e553768043b2519.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/Twinreaper%7C4s%20Map%20Pack.part1.rar Yes vending machines are included in the Hq_1b map. 12 in all scattered around for you to find. But alas, the vending machines included are from the second wave. The original designs for members are still exclusive to the hq_4 map, which will be released later down the road. Also before people start wondering...the patches are for Headlong.
  6. LOL! Yeah I'm still finding new ways to amuse myself and others at Halo 2's expense. Theres just so much more anout the game that we have yet to tap into, it's just kind of hard to walk away after 5 years of research and testing. As an update to those you still frequent the thread......The builds of sentinel_HQ_2 and 4 are coming along nicely. All work on Hq_2 is finished and is awaiting final slc and normal testing. Hq_4 may be a bit delayed, due to some skinning issues I am having trying to achieve the map theme. Stay tuned for more details!
  7. !UPDATE---------UPDATE------------UPDATE! Phase one of map pack has been completed. Alphagasgiant is now a stable fully functional release!
  8. Ok guys this a desperate call for help. My main tester can longer assist me (failing school), and my xbox is out of commission; therefore I need at least 5 people who are willing this week to put 2 of my maps through a hellish cycle of tests. Sen_HQ_2 and Alphagasgiant are pretty much done, but still need to be played and tested. Also Sen_HQ_4 just needs to be tested to see if it loads, as I have moved some spawns in the map. If anyone here can provide this type of assistance, add me to your AIM or MSN messenger and contact me for download. Thanks in advance! AIM is "B4M Twinreaper" MSN is "B4M_Twinreaper@Hotmail.com"
  9. This will be the final update for a while on the status of my soon to be map pack. Thanks again to xodia for the mouth watering pics. I will post an update again as I draw close to the release. As for now, all you need to know is that all 3 unconvertable bsp's are working in game. No freezes! Stay tuned! And to answer a question asked earlier. This is a sp>mp conversion. But sadly in this release there will be no AI. I do plan on forming a group after this to do so with all sp levels, but thats a post for a different time. http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/shq4-0.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/shq4-1.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/shq4-2.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/shq4-3.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/shq4-4.png
  10. UPDATE! Now complete and ingame.........ALPHAGASGIANT! http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-1.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-0.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-2.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-3.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-4.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-5.png http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/AlphaGasGiant-6.png Big thanks to my friend and tester for Xodia for the pics!
  11. I always wanted to go out with a bang here in the modding scene, and now my chance is in reach! May I present to you a current work in progress that has yet to my knowledge been done. A working bsp conversion of the ever elusive Sentinel HQ 2!!! Complete with snow and system link. This is the first step in the first of 3 non-convertable bsp's I plan on releasing here before I move on to other projects. (Sorry Dark, the map of models will have to wait a little). A big special thanks goes out to Ogrish for testing the map in the early hours of the morning and for his quick reply on success. Also like to thank Xodia for testing as well. You guys are tops! Now to show proof of work are the links to Ogrish's test run through the map. I will update this thread as the mod progresses. PEACE! http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/sentinel1.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/sentinel2.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/sentinel3.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/sentinel4.jpg http://www.freewebs.com/twinreaper/sentinel5.jpg PS- If this thread is in the wrong place, feal free to move it appropriatly. PSS- If anyone remembers any that weren't convertable or done, let me know. I'm drawing a blank on the others right now. Maybe I'm just tired? :e_o: Just remembered, Sentinel_HQ_4 will be a definate addition!
  12. I believe I can be of some assistance here. Just let me know what bsp you would like a model rip for. And if you would like it skinned or have the material pallette available so you can skin it yourself. I would much rather not have to go thru the hassle of texturing, bumping and uvw-ing the whole thing for you though. Let me know what you need.
  13. No problem my friend. Yeah I don't think in another 3 years, Halo 3 will ever be able to be modded to the extent of which we have done with H2. I decided to start joining some other sites lately, mostly due to the lack of modding discussion and creation in the halomods and remnant arenas. Glad to be here, I'm havin fun on the shoutbox already!
  14. Hello there everyone. I am the reaper, twin that is. Some of you from Halomods or Remnantmods may know me well. For those that don't I like to still mod Halo 2 and Halo pC. I have a great family (father of two) + (beautiful wife) = B) Other than that I like to help out the community of non-experienced modders when I can. Hope to see you all around!
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