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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. OP: I believe you've just been pwnt...
  2. http://catmacros.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/cool_story_brah_cat.jpg
  3. His console repairs are 2nd to none, well maybe only to DSS's. So's I say cuts him somes slack. P.S. I really liked the SP for some reason, so kudos on that job.
  4. Well it seems as though you did a fantastic job on your wife. As for console repair just got mine back, I'm very pleased with Az's performance: http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/3726/xboxps3zs4.jpg
  5. Avoid this Azraelrs guy, I sent him my car to repair and he did a horrible job. Before: http://www.intelliadmin.com/images/Old_Jalopy_20060808.jpg After: http://www.exoticcars.ws/cars/bugatti-veyron.jpg Not sure if his console repair is of the same low standard, but if it is, I'd avoid him like the plague.
  6. Yeah that sounds fine man. I'll make soo much money off these boxes when I re-sell them on eBay cause I know barely anyone who can play WII/PS3/360 all on the same console. PM me your details and I'll send the $500 ASAP.
  7. Hey Dark, I just got a shipment of 5 more RROD consoles in, any chance I could ship them to you to be repaired? Also while you have them could you mod them to play PS3 & WII back ups for me? I heards that it's possible with your mefods.
  8. I would like to add that when I sent mine away to him it took 3 months to be returned, I initially thought this was a very long time but then Dark explained (he's very good at explaining things) that due to the different time zones we live in it was in fact only 5 days it took for me to receive the repaired console.
  9. Excellent service, sent off my broken 360 to get repaired, and since it's come back I've not had a single, and I mean single, problem with it. Only thing that confused me was it was a black 120GB when I sent it off, but it came back a white 20GB? But DSS assures me that it was the postal service who are to blame for that, so it's all good. ++++REP.
  10. Fixed:
  11. Trust me Azraelrs has much more important things to worry about than the misguided knowledge of some 14yr old kid. If he "knows so little about 360's", then why is he widely regarded by so many as an expert, surely we can't all be wrong? And free hosting being better than paid hosting? You truly are a retard.
  12. Yeah...I'ma trust Azraelrs on this one.
  13. Apollo

    F.N.G Times.

    Think I managed to get it down to like 14.5secs after ages of playing it.
  14. Apollo

    fable 2 mods

    There's an app available on fable2mods that can mod your save file for you. Hope that helps.
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