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Everything posted by irisone

  1. irisone

    Shut own

    ok put your vista disk in and boot from cd it will load the files yada yada then click install windows after that it will ask if you want to repair do it what it does is goes over all your system files and repairs them with the ones on the disk if it finds a problem. you wont lose any info!!! also when you first boot from cd when you get your fist set of options it will ask you if you want to repair there too dont do it go on to the next one.
  2. irisone


    Want to make Windows Genuine WITHOUT DOWNLOADING A FILE! I am going to show you how, it is very SIMPLE and it WORKS! (IMG:http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/5176/genuine1oz4.jpg) Open Notepad and select new text document. In that document and paste the following info. All info Between the lines below! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] "CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)" "ProductId"="55274-640-1011873-23081" "DigitalProductId"=hex:a4,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,35,35,32,37,34,2d,36,34,30,2d,\ 31,30,31,31,38,37,33,2d,32,33,30,38,31,00,2e,00,00,00,41,32,32,2d,30,30,30,\ 30,31,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,86,56,4e,4c,21,1b,2b,6a,a3,78,8e,8f,98,5c,00,00,\ 00,00,00,00,dd,da,47,41,cc,6b,06,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\ 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,38,31,30,32,36,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,b5,16,\ 00,00,83,83,1f,38,f8,01,00,00,f5,1c,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\ 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,66,e5,70,f3 "LicenseInfo"=hex:33,b7,21,c1,e5,e7,cd,4b,fd,7c,c6,35,51,fd,52,57,17,86,3e,18,\ d3,f4,8c,8e,35,32,7b,d1,43,8d,61,38,60,a4,ca,55,c9,9a,35,17,46,7a,4f,91,fc,\ 4a,d9,db,64,5c,c4,e2,0f,34,f3,ea [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents] "OOBETimer"=hex:ff,d5,71,d6,8b,6a,8d,6f,d5,33,93,fd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In notepad click save as. For file type in the save dialog box select "all files" and for the filename type in License Key.reg.It doesn't matter as long as it has the .reg extension. Click save. Double click the file thats now on your Harddrive. It will ask you are you sure you want to send it to the registy. Tell it yes. You are now done. After: (IMG:http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/5413/genuine2ol8.jpg) To see that it worked go to CODE http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/downloads/FAQ.aspx
  3. hey guys havent been on here on a loong time dont have my password for my old account or my old email address so im starting over lol can i post how to get any game map add-on for free? it is legit (kinda lol) and it works. dont want to violate the rules my first day back
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