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Everything posted by gamerfreak1727

  1. You may not be able to, but it tells the kits specs, and how to get them, once they're released.
  2. If you want some more info about the new kits, check this out:https://xds.xbox.com/scripts/PubNewsLetter2.asp?letter=1031 BTW, they're not only blue.. test kits are a grey-ish color.
  3. Sorry, he has already agreed to trade with me. You should have responded sooner, I guess. And no, it isn't joker.
  4. Thanks man, PM'd
  5. Yep, the work on all known games at this moment, one of my friends (IRL) owns sparkmods.com and rapidfiremods.com, so i can hook you up. I've been needing a Demo/Dev for a while for my research.
  6. Dude, i'm sorry to tell you this, but I believe that your kit is ******... I'll buy it from you for $50 plus two rapidfire controllers? I think that's a fairly decent trade. Let me know, Gamerfreak1727
  7. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=13152 *cough*
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