this is the funniest thread I have read in a long time.....this should be a sticky "we here at Microsoft are impressed by your skill" ps... Pandemic Studios did Battlezone II update your letter
Just go to click market place find the released/unreleased game and click on it You will get the link in the address bar Halo 3: ODST http://marketplace.x...5-d8024d530877/ Forza Motorsport 3 http://marketplace.x...5-d8024d53084d/ The last 8 digits of that url is the game ID so..... 4d530877 is the game ID for Halo 3: ODST 4d53084d is the game ID for Forza Motorsport 3
I find it funny how people take tutorials and re-write them and claim they made the tutorial..... if you didn't discover how to do this on your own then its not your tutorial btw this is from game-tuts not se7ensins
Hey I found this app that will mod the colors for you but you need to enter an offset, I couldnt figure out the correct offset maybe one of you can