what operating system do you have? assuming you have xp it would be start > run > msconfig.exe and then run it and click the boot.ini tab and check the box that says safe boot then ok and restart your pc your in safe mode. To get out go back and un check safeboot and restart pc
ump does NOT have a trojan it only says that due to xbins but it is actually safe it only says its a trojan because all antivirus programs see it as a trojan for whatever reason
if u need help with your pc pm me i'll try to help and this is virus free im not a spammer i scan everything before i upload plus i use this myself sometimes
This is a good pack of virus removers it has old virus removers and some new ones I believe this is something that you might find helpful to have on your pc just in case. virus removal tools download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X37A5IBF