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Everything posted by Vengeance

  1. Sorry but I don't get why people are leaving lol...
  2. I like the second one, MUCH more organized.
  3. *coughs from awesomeness of sandbox maps.. *
  4. looks pretty cool. I want to start programming, it looks fun!
  5. Cool, some purple guy. Bye? I guess I'll see you around.
  6. Whats the deal with this egg thing, is it the new "neopets"? lol
  7. you what many people would refer as a "hater". I just joined, missed out on this "revolt" that seems to have everyone worked up. I'm glad SmokiestGrunl can join it, gets discouraged in my thread, then closes it.. :/ lol Either way, i'd love to say i'm glad its over, but i havent been here until 20-30 minutes ago, so at least vip might start being nice to me, starting with "Fatal Error".
  8. Sorry for all these questions but, why isn't he liked??
  9. ok, but how come you said "I" in your reply in "I can't be assed to do anything about it"?? aren't there other staff that can handle this, or work with you, or is this a free-for-all, like i asked before?
  10. i dun get it, multi of vip.. what you mean?
  11. no need to be mean, i'm just looking for constructive thoughts...
  12. I'm new here, but I just read through the vip revolt thread in General Discussion, and I gotta ask why the staff allows such users to act in this maner? Are there rules here, or is it a free-for-all site? lol
  13. someone is an attention seeker.. lmao
  14. nice program, well done!
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