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Everything posted by nickstrick

  1. yeah i am big into rpgs... but anthology and something else comes with crono trigger so i already gots that lol
  2. sweet. i will definitely look into those. leave any other suggestions if you have any thx
  3. so i have recently 'acquired' the ability to play playstation one games again. since i am going old school i would like any suggestions for games that i should 'acquire'. so far the list is all of the final fantasy games for ps1, digimon world 1-3, legend of legaia, legend of mana, and legend of dragoon. i have previously played these games before, im just going back and reminiscing with old memories. but yes, leave any comments on these titles and suggestions on what i should acquire next =]
  4. lolz... thank you much for that matty... i will most def be looking those up...legally *wink*... and thank all of you guys for your input
  5. ooohhh... okay...gotcha.... kore player 1 and 2 are both warez... any good instrumental synthesizers though... im not gonna be recording... just making some music on my computer
  6. eh... ill prolly download that later to try it... im just trying to find wblind.dll so i can run this... its being a major pain in the ass to find though =/ and i dont feel like paying for it lolz... i got the program for free... so i should be able to find this
  7. warez? i assume thats a program, but i need a little clarification on that
  8. lolz... iv just downloaded this and im about to try it... got the non trial version for free =]
  9. ohhhhh no.... thats not a good idea lmao.... ive been told i have a decent singing voice... but i dont think i want to try that just yet.... im looking for a good beginner instrumental synthesizer... i would record my own... but that would mean buying mics and what not... not really lookin to spend any money here lolz
  10. i guess what i really mean to say is kore player: good or not, and if not, whats better for a beginner such as myself... i already have kore player 1 and 2 downloaded... so yeah
  11. so that link you posted is the download for fl8 right? and what of kore player? should i just toss it or try it since im pretty much a noob at this? i also have 64 bit vista... so theres the compatibility thing with the os as well =/
  12. so i have recently acquired this urge to make my own music without trying to record or anything and went out and downloaded kore player and kore player 2... both free music synthesizers... i havnt used them yet because i want to get some advice on synthesizers from anyone who knows anything about them... any program suggestions i would like to be free downloads... i just recently decided to try this so i dont need to go blow a bunch of money... thx, nick
  13. lmfao! i ate a grape and i jizzed in my pants! and you can believe i f****d a mermaid... both of these songs are great
  14. appreciate it man... photoshop is a must for me... lol that is after i get done with my current classes... lol
  15. but dude... that means i cant even view my own post... i think... i dont mind it being locked, just please dont move it to vip... please =[ id like to have it as a backup just in case i lose my copy or my buds need it =]
  16. oh well i guess... i at least tried lol... i still dont know what a locky is... haha
  17. so far as illegal goes... i actually got the original download from this site... though it was from a thread link that had been updated from cs3 on filefront =] and im a little new to the forum thing... whats a locky? and would i be moved to vip?
  18. well i thought this was really cool when i first downloaded/found it... just thought id share it with you guys.. no install but its the full version just portable... i do believe you need an internet connection to use it... but that shouldnt be a problem for you guys should it? just go here: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=3af406f...621d66e282a0ee8 =] make awesome sigs and let me see guys =] and if you need winrar just let me know... ill have to upload it later
  19. it is in english dude EDIT: nvmnd... i gots everything under control... found everything i need... thx for posting though =]
  20. ok...... so i have the latest hp dv7... it has an expansion port for an extra 2gs of ram on top of its 6.... ddr2 mind you.... cant find any vids or what format the thing takes to install the extra 2gs though... neither google nor youtube has had anything since january.... thats when i got this beast.... its the 17'' 500gb nvidia9600 dual core processor with 6gb of ram... anyone who knows anything or can find anything let me know..... my guess for the pin number is 64..... but it might not be right
  21. omgz...... i thought id have to wait to buy this program! thx much
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