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About Pure

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Pure's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. No download? Guess you cant do this anymore???
  2. wait, noob question: which way did you point the teardrop? vertical or horizontal?
  3. Epic randomness!! hahaha very nice tho ill try this later if i feel like it. btw isnt this a bit racist? All black people working on a farm & it looks like this was taken in the 1800s or early 1900 when there was slavessss till 1870 something which is when congress abolished slavery with. 13th amendment i think? or 14th lolz I dont pay attention much in History class XD. AMAZING JOB THO!!!
  4. Pure

    Halo 3: ODST

    HOLY CRAP!!! I am totally getting this game now! lolz recon helmet on odst trooper? wtf
  5. Links for pictures are broken..
  6. Epic, good job im going to do this.
  7. Hmmm I will try this. Does it still work?
  8. Pure

    Weapon MOds

    only on a dev bro.
  9. actually that was my 2nd grade art teacher XD
  10. I got a itouch 2nd gen. i jailbroke it
  11. 2040!!!!!!!!!
  12. Yep. its pretty easy. I would check youtube for a tutorial
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