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Everything posted by yellosnomonkee

  1. i had no idea my app wold be so popular!
  2. yea srry i accidentally hit post twice
  3. OLD PERSON RESINER are you a senior modder? do you sometimes have trouble reading that small font programmers all ways use well i finally have the answer the old person resigner! this resigner made by the makes of jitter bug have large buttons, large font, high contrast, and simplicity screenshots: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii88/bubble07_02/oldpersonsigner.jpg old person signer.rar
  4. a new 1 click recon modding app used for single person videos i made this for personal use because i use to mod recon films in exchange for a favor, info etc. screenshot: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii88/bubble07_02/reCON.jpg
  5. someone sent me a download link yesterday to an app called "Schitzo" so i downloaded it and it wont open for me!! will anyone help here is the download: schitzo
  6. oh sorry i got it from a friend its basic film modder also thx it did a little but i think i need something else its not recognizing the filelocation in IO io = new IO(fileLocation, FileMode.Open); or the IO at the begining
  7. ok im very new to c# and im trying to make the easiest film clip modder i can and im use another filmmoders source code and it has io.SeekTo(0x1B849); blah blah blah... but when i c/p it to mine it it dosent recognize io. and there is this thing on the source code solutions explorer called io.cs im guessing i need that in my solution explorer but how do i get it there?
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