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chestercheese last won the day on February 17 2015

chestercheese had the most liked content!

About chestercheese

  • Birthday 06/08/1992

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  1. This may be long guys but for some reason I feel like I have to say something. I know that the few of you that are still around have no idea who I am or even care what I have to say. This is weird for me, I don't even post on my own facebook but yet find myself here about to type a book that might not even be seen. I was 13 when I first came to ibot. I had been playing halo 2 for a while and then one day I got paired up with players that could change the game and I remember thinking it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. I told myself I would do anything to learn to be like them. So I started my search online but no matter how many different sites I would go on no one would take the time to explain and teach a kid that had no clue how to work a computer much less know anything about reprogramming an xbox. I was told to go away and blocked and booted from many sites. Until I found a forum written by ibotzpeaches explaining how it was done. Of course after reading it over and over I still could not understand it, so I took a chance and asked strangers for help. Then was thrilled when the owner of this incredible site replied and offered to walk me step by step through it. Even after days and no matter how many times I asked the same questions or got lost he never lost patience or gave up on me. The owner of this busy site for some reason put everything to the side to help teach me something that was more complicated than anything I had ever seen. All the dedication paid off and for the first time in my life I learned to do something I truly enjoyed. So this site became my life before long I was creating my own stuff for other people to enjoyed it and I realized I was actually good at it and I became part of a great community of people that was asking me for the help that I once needed. I was there when we was at war with darkmodz and took part in spamming there site. I was there when fatt became a huge part of the site And I was there when we moved the site to here. I recall when reach came out and everyone went away and I would sit on the reach stats sight alone for hours and watched a once great site slowly become empty reminder of what it once was. But through the years it may of seemed forgotten it was never close to it This place is laid the stepping stones to the path I would choose in life.I first got into computers and electronic repair because of ibotz. So by age of 14 I was selling mods and modded xbox originals online and even started a console repair shop in my barn and earned enough to buy first car at 15. I stayed at it with the 360 and didn't have to work a real job through high school, and it even got me into collage. Now here I am 23 years old and the owner of a local internet company with my own house with a basement where I still repair and mod every type console there is mostly for myself but I still earn some pocket change fixing one up for someone. However For some odd reason while laying in bed with my newborn and wife. The conversation turned to how I became interested in networking and programming and ibotmodz was the first think that came to mind. Even tho I was sure it was gone I still needed to check and when the page loaded I was filled with mixed emotions, I was happy that through all the years that a few of y'all held this site together But I was also sad to see it like this. But thanks for reading I know its seems like a bunch of rambling but I wanted you know no matter how crazy it may sound a site about games and hacks was more than that to me and that's something to be proud of so heres a over due Thank you P.S If yall ever decide to try to bring this place back to life I would be honored if I could have a role in it.
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