hosting a 10th/challenge lobby the lobby mods will be :- Instant 70 Spinning Tenth Emblem Max Leaderboard Boost (Max Value for Kills, Score, Winstreak, Killstreak, and Hits) Unlock All Days Played Mod(6 Days by pressing a button Combo) Sticky Infections Aimbot No jump slowdown Fast Sprint Unlimited Sprint Lockon FPS+Bandwidth UAV Always On It Will cost $15 for 10 mins in the lobby,,more than enough time to get what you need Paypal is - Send as GIFT with gamertag in the NOTES! [/align] MUST FOLLOW THESE RULES 1) Do Not Invite ANY of your friends,game will end and you will be kicked without refund. 2) Always Appear Offline 3)Dont try and be in lobby for too long, people will be checking and if anyone overstays,,lobby ended and kicked 4) have fun Yes there is livestream aswell : Have Any Questions? Join Livestream And Ask