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About XxbrandonxX

XxbrandonxX's Achievements


Recruit (1/44)



  1. What i was gonna do was use it to get an acheivement for halo 3 like two for one. does anyone know of a achment modder that wont get you banned from an online account?
  2. Well it says ibotmodz profile modder and its kinda blueish and when you try to open something it says invalid xbox frofile and i couldnt figure out how to get it working and how to put my profile on my desktop.
  3. I've downloaded the ibotmodz profile modder and it wont let me type anything. they told me to Find the name of you're achievement in your profile, by opening it up in a hex editor, then from the beginning of the first letter of the entire title, go back exactly 12 bytes (tap <- 12 times), and in the hex side (right side), type 12.Save, create backup. I didnt get that at all im kinda a noob at modding. But i really want to get started. GT---> XxbrandonxX2014:rolleyes:
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