Thx for all the honest answers i guess i wont do it. not something i should risk B) Oh yea 1 more thing if i gave my self recon in a pic would i get banned? or would they not be able to tell? or it depends?
Foundry Modded Made by Sligstorm or Shadow Lag Post written up by iBotPeaches of Features: -Boxed in map -1 large box in the middle -Stand on that box and walk around and you will float -random other invisible floating boxes to stand on Pictures Video coming soon... Download Mirror 1, Forum Post Note: All these mods are discourage by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will not be banned, unless you distribute them. Its like CD's. Legal to own, illegal to distribute. So have fun, and please don't post new topics in this forum. I'm taking every mod one by one and making a clean neat post like this. iBotPeaches of If downloads don't work. Please reply here. They are getting removed everyday by Bungie. So we have to continually upload them. I