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About xxpakarxx

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Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Trying to be polite here. Okay listen here is how: Well you need a xsata, and a 360,and a computer. You can also just use a transfer kit. Now if you are trying to mod old maps on the 360, easy, look up a tutorial, it's really easy,you don't patch all the maps at once, you do them one by one. You have to transfer each one, individually.Simple huh? It is just like booting up a normal halo 2 game.You don't burn a disc at all. You don't flash the 360 either. Just like starting up a normal game.
  2. Okay fist of all. You are going to need to download all the parts of the map pack, here are the links: http://rapidshare.com/files/189975442/Killtrocity_v2.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/189975566/Killtrocity_v2.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/189975629/Killtrocity_v2.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/189975690/Killtrocity_v2.part4.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/189985719/Killtrocity_v2.part5.rar Second you are going to need to have the latest version of serenity. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=451f294fd8067d9cd5a101cf914073b42dcbca1714d2a9ae Then you are going to need to watch this video I made for you guys! link to video tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAtxeZVlqWc&fmt=18 Thanks guys! -Pakar
  3. Are halo 2 modders still allowed to make tutorials? People haven't posted any halo 2 modding tutorials for like 1-2 years now.... so is it still allowed? I just registered a new camtasia studio. I can make video tutorials, but with no.... umm voice I guess? I just don't have a mic.
  4. Okay guys, I just fixed my problem. ' Sure enough peaches, it was the plugins, but you sorta had it all wrong peaches. (no offense) I downloaded the plugins you linked me to, did everything right, and when I went ingame, they were paisley colored, and corrupted, and it had pinkish green, and purplish, and blue numbers all over the hog. My .dds plugins are now corrupted for my photoshop since I downloaded and installed those. I have a solution to my problem that I have tested. I used uber bitmap tool, photofiltre, and DXTBMP, First, I extracted the warthog_standard bitmap, second I used uber bitmap tool on it to make it internalized, third I followed this guys tutorial! Link there you go!
  5. Tried it again, and it was still corrupted. D: . I am thinking it has to do with vista... or it could be my formats... i really don't know how I could have done it wrong, I followed all of the tutorials. There is one tiny problem though, in the tutorials there DXT window choosing thing is different from mine.
  6. Well I just googled the .dds plugin for photoshop, is there a certain one I should be using? I also used DXT3 for the warthog_standard. I don't like to use entity for internalizing either.. I just tried it and it made my bitmaps corrupted when I went into the map, then once I click onto another different bitmap, then try to click on it, it gives me a error. Just goes to show that vista is sucky.
  7. No it works on the 360 too, heres why, One simple word: Internalization! Then it will work on the 360. SO someone please help me. I need a solution. It will work on the 360, I have seen it happen. Oh OH! I think I figured it out! I just need to use the machinima companion tool the LOD tool!
  8. Now I need help with my skinning problem, I am also modding on a 360... I used warthog_standard bitmap/
  9. Okay... hey Lostmodz I know you are a famous modder too..., but could you help me fix my skinning problem? My skins don't kick in until I am really close to the object, what did I do wrong? I really need help! I used photoshop elements 7.0, and entity. Well.. I injected in the right format and used the right DXT. Please tell me how to fix this, and i internalized them too. I also hit use existing mipmaps! btw I am on vista 32bit
  10. I needed to know what kind of tags did these people use in these mods? Well.... I need to know if it is just the hlmt tag or did they swap the masterchief biped and the arbiter biped with these?
  11. *sigh* I need a tutorial. A in-depth one on how to make it spawn normally, out of the gun. can you please make me one or not?
  12. Okay. First of all, I went into entity and edited the plasma pistol's secondary fire projectile so it shot out the containment gate. when I go into the game and fire one out, it is on it's side, I wanted it to be standing up straight like a bridge so it is flat and not on it's side. I think it has to do something with the spawning coordinates from the plasma pistol. I need to know how to make it not spawn on it's side when I fire it out of the gun. can you please tell me how.
  13. I needed to know when shooting out a containment gate on containment how to edit it to make it so it shoots out straight instead of sideways.. can someone give me a tutorial?
  14. so I can't make the grunt use the masterchief regular hud? you know for like the shield meters, and the ammo meters and stuff. I think I can swap it in the dependency swapper though.
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