I started making some left 4 dead maps. And people liked them so I'm making more, If you want to see them I will put them in my file share. GT: Ninja Master164 Thease are for my gametype Left 4 dead. It plays just like left 4 dead, and the maps are not remakes but look like something you'd find in left 4 dead I'm uploading pics Note: Only use red and blue teams, Other teams won't work! Stupid IbotModz won't let me post screens so click this link or copy and paste in address bar to see screens http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screensh...nja%20Master164 sorry it took so long. PS. Its not infection, its VIP. If Lewis dies the round ends, zombies get infinite lives, when humans die theu either go to waiting room or a skybox and participate. On the finale you can bring your friends back to live back you have to be quick and un block a port or it will seal forever. There are 4 maps availible right now. Far from mercy :the first map a loading dock in the outskirts of mercy city. Far - Sewers :A underground subway and sewer station, it takes 3 minutes for the saferoom door to open. Far - Outpost : A weather station, It takes 3 minutes for the door to open unless you find the hidden way Far - Finale : A snow covered river basin, Get to the generator and ativate it to open the door to the heli pad, then wait for pickup.