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Sirius Lock

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About Sirius Lock

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Sirius Lock's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. I do some photoshoping, if anyone wants I could try to make something.
  2. I think I'll just use these icons for my iPod Touch.
  3. So why is it called Vista?
  4. Man I really need to go over to ***** more often.
  5. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14778327 Yeah, this happened yesterday.
  6. I'm a complete dumbass, but what's a game trainer?
  7. Sorry, but how do I install this?
  8. I don't have an amazing computer but it's ok. I mean, I'm also not a complete beginner. I was making some really simple mods on Halo 2 for about 2-3 months before I joined, but there's still a lot I don't know. Was told to go here by Shadow Coole.
  9. How would I make a campaign map into a multiplayer map. Also, it is possible to add some boundaries to it so people don't just wander around the map?
  10. Wait...to play a map that's already on your Halo 2 disk do you need to make a new disk to play it?
  11. Why isn't it usefull?
  12. Do you have a good link to Entity because last time I opened it up was I think when I had UMP but that has a trojan horse so I really don't want to have to deal with that again. Yes I know I'm late. I bought my 360 (only xbox I've ever had) in april of 07. I started wanting to mod around september. Now I'm only going to go onto Halo 2 to play mods.
  13. Hi, I'm Sirius Lock and I've been modding Halo 1 for a while. I'd like to learn more about modding in Halo 2 (It's been weird making mods with All In One when for Halo 1 all I needed was Spark Edit and Halo Map Tools.) Just a question right of the bat. Is there even one 3d editor for Halo 2 (I'm unable to figure out the coordinates for things, I understand the concept but don't know how to figure out the right coordinate.)
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