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Joe Walls

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About Joe Walls

  • Birthday 09/01/1910

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Joe Walls's Achievements

Corporal Grade 2

Corporal Grade 2 (7/44)



  1. Joe Walls


    Yes. Do you have a previous alias I may remember you by? EDIT: Z0MG it's Zala!
  2. Joe Walls


    When I was here we weren't very popular. Not many members.
  3. Joe Walls


    lolwut No, I was here a while back when we were new-ish. Left for a while. Now I gues I"m back.
  4. Joe Walls


    Hey guys. I'm Joe. Never been here before this site looks cool.
  5. SLIP!! How did you get all the way down to just a normal member?
  6. Why you lose retired staff?
  7. Lol I was gone in Seaside Oregon for a week... No computer whatsoever
  8. I just got the new patch and read the notes. It is confirmed...
  9. I love that episode!
  10. They changed it. You can have your first ground mount at lv 30. IN the next patch they are changing it to 20 and making the flying mounts a lot faster. Like 30-40% faster
  11. Fail You have to actually get into it and learn all the awesome things you can do. Once you get into the higher levels trying to achieve something(like lv 30 for you're first mount) it is very fun. There are always friendly players to help you if you have questions. Private servers suck! It completely ruins the purpose of the game! I don't know if any of you play RuneScape but private servers are like Moparscape. And like I said to Quinn, You have to actually get into it and learn all the awesome things you can do. Once you get into the higher levels trying to achieve something(like lv 30 for you're first mount) it is very fun. There are always friendly players to help you if you have questions.
  12. Name changes used to be free Now they cost 1k posts? That's gayyy
  13. Yep.
  14. You mean... oh shit! DO NOT OVER YOU'RE CLOSET UNTIL I SAY!!
  15. Don't need to. I should be allowed a name change.
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