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Everything posted by xOWNURAZZx

  1. Korupt Data - Red Power Ranger Chief FTW!!!
  2. yh there 20$ for all 3 i think
  3. HyperDesk Dark Matter Trilogy XP themes. They're pretty cool. Do note: that the .msi installation files have some trouble with non-english versions of XP. If anyone knows an easy way to bypass the problem, feel free to share it to the poor sods who might have trouble with installing. Note: that these themes ONLY work for Windows XP! NOT Vista! Link -> Solar Flare (orange one) Link -> Gamma Ray (Green one) Link -> Subspace (Blue one) PASSWORD :: wootmannen enjoy
  4. Doesent work load of crap
  5. im injecting it now
  6. I found this here link part1 = http://rapidshare.com/files/205265902/F8D3...E5C4D.part1.rar part2 = http://rapidshare.com/files/205277992/F8D3...E5C4D.part2.rar part3 = http://rapidshare.com/files/205286408/F8D3...E5C4D.part3.rar quote by kratosjohn "This one will work trust me, the live con was resigned so anyone can use it" quote by kratosjohn "It's a live file turned into a CON file and resigned for anyone to use" quote by xXxStevenxXx "Yea Ghosti made them He said he have resigned the live file But I dont see how" i dunno ima dling at this second and il update u if it works or not dont h8 on me if doesent i found it and thought it was intresting and it was worth a try =) hope it works
  7. Holy **** Map Made by xOWNURAZZx AKA Project Haxor Post written up by xOWNURAZZx of iBotModz.net Features: -100 Huge Ring Holograms -Alive Dino Birds -Purple Square Holograms -Fog and Trees -Gold Lift's -Huge Galaxy Holograms -Active Regenerators -Masterchief clones -elite clones -Shade Turrets Pictures Video capture card broke plz record this for me Download Download Here. Note: All these mods are discouraged by Bungie, and can be removed at any time by them. You will be banned for hosting them in a fileshare, or yet putting them on xbox live, iBotModz staff encourages people to keep mods offline or on a closed network (LAN). Posted by "xOWNURAZZx of iBotModz.net
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