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Everything posted by Myfreevod

  1. Myfreevod

    Flame head

    i Would be even better if you would use Yellow/Orange Colors For the flame Good Job
  2. All you did is that you Turned the image black and white Simply GAY.
  3. Here is mine http://img2.pict.com/6f/08/cf/db1e0973dc6d05c140b1a4e3f9/zeNHy/800/myfuckingcomputer.jpg
  4. Myfreevod

    Help ...

    Thank you Xpargas I was not connection host I tryed it agian and it worked
  5. Myfreevod

    Help ...

    Ok so i have been modding usermaps and films for a long time But everytime i mod a film with 2 people The armour dosent change ... i tryed every film editor that exist ... When i make a film of my self or a film of my friend playing alone it works ... with 2 people it just dosent work ... i tryed a lot film editors that support multiple players And they filed Could someone post a link of a program that dose work or a link to a good tutorial that will explain how to mod a film when there are more then 1 one person in the film Thank you
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