That in matchmaking would be epic, "Hey Blue, Hold Still For A Sec" laladeelalalooo " reads and set, goodbye now" "Breaks Into Song* What would Brian Boitono Do, is slig was here right now, he'd slap sligs face and he'd slaughter through, thats what Brian Boitano'd Do
I believe this is not the first Mod on there, as i had the mythic maps on the 25th february, and since nobody had them yet, i modded all three maps with pointless usermap mods XD, but even before me there were mods already released, so yeah
oh believe me, im ot the one thats acting like a 5 yr old here, smack talking on the internet, and posting your picture's of your "girlfriend" to people, get some self respect you codger
awwww how cute, talking trash on the internet, ill be sure to get you an oscar, and your 16 and more mature than me, yet you make it seem like you have tourettes syndrome, and come on seriously you wrote all of that, when you still live with your mummy, luckily she doesn't monitor your computer or you would be grounded, and your amazing girlfriend, i remember seeing a pic of her, from rogue modder, oh dear god she looks like such a slag, i mean holding her breasts and looking at the camera like, look at me im such a slut, id @%#$ you for shirt buttons, you must have real respect for her, if your sending pictures of her like that over the internet.
This was a simple topic..turned into a complete flame, what Alex does with his price charge is up to him, who care's if it is overpriced, and who cared if Halodu03de ( or whatever his name is ) sells them for half the price of Alex's?, personally i wouldn't want to buy a modded film, or save whatever, cause its pointless, people in these thread's are taking this game too seriously, big woops you can swap a few things for a few other things? there shouldn't really be flaming on these threads, if you don't like the price charge, then why do you have to turn a forum thread into a complete war zone? why not just go elsewhere?
Cant everyone just get along, i mean come on, there's a war going on why? because some 14 year old kid bought an illegal dev kit, cause he is desperate to mod .map files for halo 3? sure there is more to your "life" than "modding services", lol making people pay for watching a video? yeah that seems really interesting, usermap modding was fun while it lasted, but now with these stuck up 14 yr old kids buying them with their "life", its just causing havok...but halodude, ill pay whatever for you to make me a mod for the ability to make you disappear and never come back. PS - HaloDude Likes Men...
ewwww.....why not just stay away from modding halo 3 with your smelly dev kits and come and mod barbie's super bunny hunt with me, that seems like the most appropriate and ideal choice, VOTE FOR BUNNIES, I WANNA BE YER HUNNY!!!
I also like how people, refer to hiding in halo 3 as HLG, why them? they weren't around when people first started hiding, but just cause they made a stupid clan to represent HIDING IN MATCHMAKING OOoOOooOOOoOOO that's like so retarded, considering everyone i came against even their leader, cant hide for crap?, this was NOT found by HLG, it was in the BETA a long ass time ago
Im pretty decent at modding portal...message me on xboix live to remind me about it, and ill guide you through the process - GT is Renegade X25 send a message saying who you are so i know what you need
uhhhhhh? normally i would be all like, "screw the rules, i have money", but im willing to capture your clips free of charge...just like depending on when i get free time, my GT is Renegade X25 so feel free to contact it and yeah ill do it.
i have an account there, and sorry i would help but im not abusing the rules, usually i would be all like "Screw The Rules, I Have Money" but im going to follow their rules...maybe someone can hook you up with a 360gs decrypter for the new encryption, i have one from Jay Jay ( owner of the site ) but i cant give that out. EDIT - Also the reason you were banned, is because you were not active enough on the forums, thats pretty much abusing the rules, again " Screw the rules, i have money" and if you are only leeching to them for the resigner then its not a surprise to why you were banned.
uhm....the halo 3 achievements are easy...i got the originals in two weeks of halo 3's release..and when the new ones came out, i got them in 1 day, because the annual campaign challenge was glitched, but they are really easy editing apps.....JUST HEX IT!!! the only thing good about these film editors, is changing your colour and emblem and actually viewing them....but either way HEX EDITS FTW