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About Renegade

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  1. Or you can keep profile modding off your online accounts, saving yourself from a console ban ask ( Unknown V2 ) and just mess around with offlines...easy done...easy go.
  2. And your point to this is.........?
  3. ROFL FAIL, Modding achievements is just stupid, it takes the fun out of it, but steven using the public method with custom timestamps...your making a big mistake, so then people pay you? to get banned? LUL WHUT!? But for the people who would like to unlock achievements without the risk of a big ban, purchase SM's Profile Tool, and your all good
  4. Its not a glitch nor an easter egg, basically the soccer ball physics are the same as a flipped vehicle, when you go up to it and press RB the vehicle will flip, but seeing as the soccerball does not have a flat surface to flip back up on, it rolls around forefully like that, because of its physics. k thnx bai
  5. i know he said that, but he said, "Only that one spot on construct"
  6. Renegade

    Tag mythique

    why not just open up the mythic maps in johnson or engineer, and write the tags you intend on using on a word doc, and then you can save that and then use in the future?
  7. what are you talking about? they cant patch customs at all, i mean yeah if they want to go back the the design stage and implement new barriers? then re-release halo 3? thats a bit dumb, all they do is patch up matchmaking games, its the same method as a modder would do, they look through the tags of the game, and save a solid barrier at the parts where people would hide, thats why they have maps such as "Pit Stop" hence the name, therefore thats just like a modded pit put into matchmaking
  8. Hey guys, i think a lot of you will now have the Mythic Map Pack, so i guess i wanna post my map to you guys. first of all its a jump course, its not hard, but there can be a few tricky parts to it, im not going to say because, well yeah thats for you guys to find out. The map is called "Kryptonite", it takes place on Sandbox, and well i dont know what to say about it, But the post has been updated, with pics and proper links to the fileshare content, enjoy Gamertag = Renegade X25 Fileshare - - Escape! - The Gametype Used To Play Kryptonite http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=68566447 - Kryptonite - The Jump Map Of Course http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=68634551 PICS http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4599/69955909full.th.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/2269/69955921full.th.jpg http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7497/69955947full.th.jpg Feel free to leave me any feedback about the map in this thread XD. Thanks
  9. Halo, can i just say i love the conversation in your sig, its the part "Just Check On Amazon" that made me chuckle
  10. Looked good, i downloaded it, worked like a charm good job Peach PS. have my babies
  11. ROFL.....yes kid you are 200% correct he did throw a flare and power drainer, congrats *sarcasm* *sigh* ok seriously, here's the deal ok, if you can go recreate this with equipment filters, then i will give you my xbox, my pc, my accounts, my girlfriend, my house, my car....and heck ill even throw in some microsoft points, so the GAME is on, show us that this isnt a shade reflection, and just a "flare and power drainer filter". Good Luck, and congrats, you just made "Retard of the Year"
  12. well it may not be for a few weeks, its M$'s fault that the maps were delayed anyway, they forced bungie into releasing them with halo wars, therefore delaying bungie's release plan ( Early January ) but ive had the maps since the 25th February, good luck to those getting them this week if it comes out, but if you get really desperate for them, i looked on ebay for giggles, and they are selling MMP codes there. probably on Amazon also.
  13. bungie are bigger modders than us, they turn grav hammers into golf clubs ( sandbox ) lol, but i remember their first attempts to patch up some of the hiding spots, lol for example on narrows they like filled tyhe outer hooches with boxes..it made me rofl, but i think its when some people started adding barriers to their maps, they started to use them, perhaps they obtained johnson or engineer and started to hex shizz XD jk
  14. Yeah well, i didnt watch youtube video's, it was obvious where the skull was anyway
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