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About greensaxaphone

greensaxaphone's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 1

Apprentice Grade 1 (2/44)



  1. I went looking for something that would remove it from the sites completely and I found it. it's called ad muncher and is a universal Windows ad blocker. bypasses CPAlead completely. www.admuncher.com it's not free but damn if it doesn't work like a dream on ALL ads not just CPAlead i'm glad I tried it, i just may buy it now.
  2. ima kitty cow moo moo.
  3. I googled it is the game dump just an iso?
  4. Where can I get the "Halo 3 Game Dump (Patched)"?
  5. Hey I have a few questions that I am kind of embarassed to ask. So to use a dev/demo/test/debug kit to mod Halo 3 I need a modded xex, and a "Halo 3 Game Dump (Patched)". I have another question. I have heard that there also is something wrong with the public xex, is this true? Thanks for the help.
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