Sorry i didn't post right after you did but after my last post i was 1,000,000 miles away from any type of electronic device. Anyway i wanted to ask if you could post a link to get Glitchy Duplicator. And if posible could it be from or because i hate sites that if you don't have an acount for them you have to wait a certain amount of time to download it. Thx for the help.
Thanks for the help V SmokiestGrunl V, also iBotPeaches how do i replace it for the ITMC of a weapon. Also can you duplicated selected objects in BSP Viewer and place them somwhere on the map, if not should i duplicate a bunch of ramps and swap them for objects on the map, because if so i don't think there are enough objects to swap for?
No you see i don't want ot shoot it out of a weapon i want it in there when the game starts, i want to create a race track on Coag? so can someone help.
Omg whats is with the no answer posts, also to aswer the question i use xLink Kai for Halo2 and will use xBox Live for Halo2 and Halo3 when i get Halo 3 and an xBox360. Also it with be some time in December, probly Christmas, but probly not becasue i am going to Disney Land. I hope that was enough info so can somone answer my question or make the map for me?
Can somone tell me how to put a containment tracks on coag, or better yet place one on the map so i can duplicate it and create a track. thank you for your time!