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Everything posted by xtrememan25

  1. Some could be reach weapons, but i think some are Covenant weapons, like the top one on the left, it looks like a spiker.
  2. Coolio!
  3. And when it says weapons drop, it means that the weapons respawn.
  4. Message sent
  5. If you read it, it says it is giving out recon to those who beat the 4 man squad
  6. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Xtrememan25/avatar-body.png
  7. Thanks for this, it really is going to help me.
  8. I am going to try and see if i can find it. It looks cool.
  9. I have never seen such a big bump before.
  10. feels somewhat random
  11. feels somewhat random
  12. feels somewhat random
  13. feels somewhat random
  14. feels somewhat random
  15. feels somewhat random
  16. feels somewhat random
  17. I like it, although it keeps screwing up my firefox for some reason.
  18. Looks awesome. I'll try it soon/
  19. Looks cool. I'm gana try that when I can.
  20. i joined not to long ago and I am a friend of Khaosmaster.
  21. Google actually went down for a few minutes yesterday for me.
  22. looks pretty cool, i'm going to try them, even the suicide shot, that could be funny.
  23. Has anyone even tried this?
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