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About lilryguy5

  • Birthday March 18

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lilryguy5's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. new link for all retail mods. someone please post a new one. Would love to try all of doob e snack's mods
  2. Ok is it in the Download Mangaer?
  3. I am looking for a Halo 3 Screenshot modder, so that I can change the html in the description and put jpeg in the sscreenshot. Any help would be great
  4. i did all vidmasters than modded but one ( 7 on 7 ) . then modded it. I got my recon so mod the halo 3 achievements afterward.
  5. Sent.
  6. Is there any other rehash/resigners for the NXE?
  7. it still didnt work
  8. I used concept the error message is from that. should i download it again?
  9. Every time a try to rehash and resign a film from halo or anything, I get a error message. Its says "Mising KV. User Defined Key Vault Not Found". Any suggestions on what to do or help?
  10. Guys it would be a huge help.
  11. I showed you that site haha
  12. Can anyone mod a map on The Pit for me? I would like pelican skins almost everywhere so i can run on them. I would like those higher up then the ground. also warthogs on the pelicans so i can drive them up there. But not too many pelicans to where it lags alot. Thanks, Ryan
  13. hey wat is that mod called i would love to download it?
  14. Thanks. Message me and we'll talk.
  15. do u know anyone that might and can still mod it?
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