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About Linkline

  • Birthday 07/14/1993

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Recruit (1/44)



  1. Not for me, I haven't been modding for a bit so I'm kinda lost, this mpdata is kinda useless to me since I don't know what to do... There's no tut :/ Also just figured on my own, Save data cannot be loaded when I tried to load it
  2. omfg... PLEASE READ!!! I need Hex Workshop for other programs! I can't open the program in HxD cause it doesn't support or has the right codes, I need Hex Workshop! I only use HxD for Modding, I need to change bot programs with hex workshop, i tried hxd but does not work! It NEEDS Hex Workshop!
  3. it does not workie work, and plus, make sure it for window xp cuz that wat i have
  4. Same here! Mai favorite website too
  5. i been googling it... all night, and cant find clean one, i need the one that UNLOCKS it, for FREE, my trial already used up which i never used it, and by the way, i cant use rapidshare anymore, it ran out just now...
  6. http://download.cnet.com/Hex-Workshop/3000...&tag=button Does anyone know any KeyGen or something, anything that can crack the code? I really don't want to pay $80 for it... I been struggling all night trying to get one free... I need open my other program in Hex WorkshopV6, but, I tried trial, but wow, it expired 4 month ago, which I never used it... I am soo pissed... anyone know a way to get it for free? I REALLY NEED it so bad... PLEASE HELP, Thanks. Note: Also, kinda giving up on trying to find it, driving me insane and soo much frustration trying to get it free... Hope you guys can help too.
  7. remove "all enimies are hunter" it doesnt work and "shiney balls" doesnt work too
  8. no ****, i will, ur suppose to rate how the editting is, not the video!!!
  9. so mine sucks?
  10. Titles says it all http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXUkxSYmZcs...re=channel_page Someone rated that video 1
  11. Linkin Park - Numb
  12. thanks
  13. Having this Resigner problem, on CONcept 0.1, I have just gotten a Key Vault that works, (From a Friend), however when I resign, I get an error that states, "Invalid Signature" Much help appropriated, please.
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