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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. 421 when do i get access to the arcade config ?
  2. lol noob
  3. fattwam

    About mem.

    well thats why , just delete the killtrocity map pack any any other games and just store them on your computer cause you will never makde it fit , just ftp what you want when you want it then delete and store on your computer
  4. fattwam

    About mem.

    how much memery do you have left and how much do you need
  5. i recommend this instead viewtopic.php?f=76&t=2198
  6. Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus Basic protection: Protects your computer against dangerous viruses, worms, Trojans and costly dialers. Not for Commercial or Business use. Documentation Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus is only available for single computer use for home and non commercial use. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8582-588.jpghttp://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8582-589.png Download Here OR Here if link are not working just post or PM me
  7. send me a PM with what you wanted
  8. but we switched for good reason we had been hacked several times and we could not create backups or anything meaning when we got hacked we would lose everything then we had to post EVERYTHING all over again witch was a real pain , but i remember the good old days that noodle is talking about it was a great site , lol i remember i was a 'trusted member" lol. i remember coming on like at 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning and there would still be people posting every time i would revisit the site there ere so many new posts it was hard to keep up with it all. but there we so many ads including a bad cbox. but if there was a way for that old site to be really safe it would have been great to stay , i also remember when we were about to change for the first time we had everything set up and ready to open and the hoster closed down. i also think all that ibotmodz is only really a forum the other sub-domains (excluding SVE) dont get many hits and im not sure if our main page does as well. what we need beside posting members and allot of them , we need something that we can give to the community that they will like and comeback for as well as more content because people who are looking for something will join and see if we have it and if we don't they will leave and not come back cause they think that we don't have much they will not post and ask someone if we have it or if someone can get it they will just leave and go to another site cause they think they can get it faster and easier on another site and when they do find that other site they might stay there and keep posting there. with saying all of that we also have to stay with in hosting restrictions and our data base size (ibotpeaches can tell us those details)
  9. send them to me
  10. fattwam

    A Name

    crackfingers mufty Pickle face
  11. ya there is not much i can do until all bugs are fixed
  12. there is not
  13. Shared - http://files.filefront.com/sharedrar/;9 ... einfo.html Main Menu - http://files.filefront.com/mainmenurar/ ... einfo.html Single Player Shared - http://files.filefront.com/single+playe ... einfo.html
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