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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. thats true , but it would be great if there was one
  2. 462 you guys are wrong
  3. i was just wondering if there were any programs that would show all the sub domains and web pages of a website not necessarily all the links on the site just every page that is being hosted by that site understand ?
  4. oh for sure surfing on surf ski and getting into the Mario room
  5. lol spelling mistake, anyways you shot it ?
  6. i personally think that its good , this is what we need more of stuff that the community can use, stuff that people need and will use and come back for.
  7. 455 lol this is funny http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9014-552.gif
  8. its great im gonna use it at school
  9. no problem
  10. lol yes it was you
  11. there could also be a bad side to allowing HTML cause on the old site you could have HTML in your sig and some people would put in redirects or other stuff that screwed up the page
  12. kraft dinner FTW!!! anyways good to have you back
  13. lol 100% all of the votes have been yes , but i agree we need more hits on the forum.
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