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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. fattwam

    Im sorry.

    there was no point in that last post. and to reduce spam im gonna close this
  2. lol that would take forever peach how big is it , and is it compressed
  3. lol those are good, i must say that i like the snowman one.
  4. this should be 550 it says at the bottom, does the Google bots posts count ? ah who cares it can help us
  5. sorry for posting when its locked , but snail i still want them back
  6. well what do you guys think who is better or more active - laxmonster54 or Caratti
  7. i cant wait for them to come out , all the modz seem to be getting better and better also peach said "How Cow" lol instead of "Holy Cow"
  8. its because i have now over 800 people on my msn and i hardly know any of them, people who actually know me always ask about it and if they do get it there are easy ways i can help them to get rid of it. No harm done
  9. yeah CS 1.6 is great i don't have my server up anymore though.
  10. if you have backups and just want a clean start, just reformat. But more info , when does it happen, can you access task manager, booting in safe mode...
  11. yeah i hope so.
  12. sorry for off topic but without noodle there was no more fat-black-noodle so he had to be unbanned
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