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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. yeah me too, i was to be able to still say - B1 , B2 , B3 , S1 , S2 , S3 , Green Room (from the pic it does not look green) , Under Glass , Library , etc...
  2. hey good to have you back
  3. its even fun when you make it so no one can die, then go into matchmaking , lmao look at all the people try to kill each other, until they all finally realize they cant die
  4. i know some people so i got all my RAM and HDD for free
  5. this was leaked about a week ago and its not a mod its only a forge variant but its still the best one out of all the ones that have been leaked
  6. Name: Tom Age: 16 Email address: fattwam@ibotmodz.net Male or Female: Male How many hours do you play computer games a week? - no idea About your gaming: Which of the following do you own YES/NO XBOX 360: YES XBOX: YES PS3: NO PS2: YES PSP: NOT ANYMORE WII: NO DS:NO PC:YES Region Free Games:YES Region free games come from other countries but play normally on your console with no difference in online play or language but a lot of games shops will not take them as trade. Would you buy region free games? Yes/No: YES How much would you pay for a region free game? Depends on game How much would you pay for a PAL game? I DON'T WANT PAL Would you buy second hand region free? NO Would you buy second hand PAL games? NO Which game coming soon are you most interested in? GTA5 Are you considering buying a second console? YES How much would you pay for a second console? $50 ( i know people) What is your preffered method of payment? CASH, Paypal Would you Buy/Trade online? MAYBE (Probably Not) If a game you was good at was added as a competition would you pay to enter if the prizes were good? YES(depends on how much) What prizes would make you enter? Money, Game, System How much would you pay? Depends on game
  7. sounds great
  8. i know its great, finally bungie does something good, bringing back the good maps.
  9. depends on how many people see it and how many of them are into Electronics, gaming, etc... and once you think of all the factors involved make a good decision but i think its an "ok" idea
  10. it wont be drivable, but there are ways in forge to get on the pelican so it is real.
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