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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. yeah me too if im not busy and im online , ill help add my GT - fattwam
  2. ok everything is fine me and nielsss were updating something to do with the vip group but when you save the setting the system looks through all the members again to see who has the proper post count and automatically re-adds them to the group and sets the group default for the member. so everyone who has more than 100 posts, their default group (group that is displayed) got changed to vip. so then i changed everyone default group back to what it originally was. but for security reasons Sub-Admins can not edit main admins. so i was unable to change peach back to his original default group. since you can be in more than 1 group at a time he is still in the admin group and the VIP group and so on, but the one being displayed is VIP
  3. goodpoint , closed
  4. i hope
  5. when you try to sign in what actually happends
  6. if he keeps spamming we will lower his post count other wise he still need 80 more posts
  7. 787 lol just me and you
  8. ill do that when i get home from work
  9. lol you used the worst quality video i have , thats like the first video i made with that capture card before i even knew how to use it
  10. Mfone how about tomorrow when i get home from work
  11. ok thats great
  12. Here is a short tut of how to get into command prompt (cmd) if your school, job, library etc. blocks it. Works if the command prompt is only hidden But it is possible to disable command prompt for users this i don't think will fix that Step 1. Open the default Wordpad/Notepad that came with your OS. Step 2. Type in, Command.com Step 3. File>Save as> Save It as .bat (Hide it somewhere like My Music, My pictures etc. you can call it anything but there has be to .bat and the end , im gonna just call it CMD Step 4. Under save as type select Text Document(*.txt) [FOR NOTEPAD] and Text Document [FOR WORDPAD] Step 5. Save it and open the file... Welcome to command Prompt Very simple can be done in less than a min.
  13. Mfone do you want to record it and put it in your fileshare and i record that , or we can just join up and record does not matter to me ill be on tonight
  14. that really cool , i would try but im terrible at GFX i want to see how smokies turn's out
  15. look here - http://www.forumer.com/category-83-xBox-e1.html we were and still are the best xbox gaming site hosted on forumer , with the most members and posts
  16. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12153-220.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12153-221.png http://umthumbs.gametrailers.com/moses/use...6520_thumb4.jpg <--- lol looks funny http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12153-222.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12153-223.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12153-224.jpg yeah its old iv heard about it before but i found these pics it still would be cool if it came out
  17. well in usually on at night any nights , add me i got a capture card my GT is - fattwam
  18. this is actually 781
  19. closed
  20. sounds great , i cant wait to play them
  21. ... closed
  22. well he started a topic asking Here so id thought id just lead him their
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